Donated an additional $1m to support frontline workers, the homeless, and undocumented workers, and incarcerated people in LA and NYC. To say nothing of her business savvy. Rihanna’s introduced makeup and underwear lines aimed at women of color. Who’s been generally underserved by the Vintage Lunch Lady Survived 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic Covid-19 Shirt. She really knows her shit. This is the first “celebrity donates money to help with Coronavirus” story that has not annoyed me. This is a highly successful abuse survivor donating money to help other abuse victims.
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Thanks for sharing that. It’s easy to lump celebrities in groups, or think ‘I don’t like their music/videos/acting/etc, so they can’t do anything worthwhile‘. Rihanna is so outside my bubble that it’s not even funny. But I can sure as heck appreciate what she’s done to help the Vintage Lunch Lady Survived 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic Covid-19 Shirt. This is not the first time I’ve seen her name associated with good deeds. That shit matters way more than who has the next #1. It’s funny when you don’t hear about certain people donating you see people trashing those people for being cheap rich assholes. When you do hear the stories it’s annoying news.
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Lady Gaga is doing a lot of good as well and speaks of how the crisis isn’t affecting us all the same due to things like poverty and domestic violence that don’t touch the Vintage Lunch Lady Survived 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic Covid-19 Shirt. Because I don’t like toxic celebrity worship. That runs rampant through American culture. In this case, if it encourages others to donate as well it’s a net positive. And it’s positive news in general which there aren’t many of these days. I wish that were true, but TMZ, the National Enquirer, and the Kardashians would not exist if it were.
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