It’s not like legalization is really his jurisdiction. The states Funny Cats Because People Suck Shirt where it’s illegal have criminal laws against it. It takes the states to legalize. So for all practical purposes, feds decriminalizing is legalizing. If it permits weed to cross through legal states and banks to do business in legal states. Biden can decriminalize it by shifting it down on the drug schedule to match alcohol and tobacco. Then states like CO, WA, etc will start building infrastructure around it. Since they can legally open bank accounts, etc.
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Then the next GOP president comes in Funny Cats Because People Suck Shirts and, in 10 seconds, declares it’s equally as dangerous as meth. Now there are millions of dollars in limbo and banks technically in violation of federal law all because the pendulum shifted as it is want to do. The best thing for MJ is that Congress passes a bill to legalize it. Having the approval of the house and senate, as well as a signature from the president, makes it much more ironclad and one rogue Trump-like president can’t just undo it without lots of collusions. I don’t think that’s going to happen. Once marijuana is legalized nationally there’s going to be no going back. People were very hesitant in Washington when it was legalized, now nobody could fathom the world without it, even people who don’t smoke.
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